Friday, June 14, 2013

9 Years Baby!

Happy Anniversary to us! How is it even possible that Mark and I have been married 9 years?! That's going thru High School twice! There is never a day where I question the decision I made to marry my sweet Markus. Life is so much fun with him in it every day. He makes me laugh, he does the dishes without asking, he puts the kids to bed every night and tells them a new story about when he was young. I really could go on and on about this man I love and adore. This year he surprised me with a trip to Coronado Island. He asked his mom to watch the kids so we could spend 4 days alone together. It was amazing! We had no schedule, which is totally my kind of vacation. We lounged at the pool, spent a afternoon at the beach, walked the streets and saw all the cool shops, and ate ourselves plenty of good food! I really have no complaints, well big ones anyway:)

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