Friday, June 22, 2012

Tiny Dancer

Kylee really loves to dance. I signed her up for ballet last August and it has become her favorite thing to do.  As I was watching So You Think You  Can Dance last night, I felt like such a loser. Here were all of these amazing, different, and beautiful people that were all passionate about dancing. It's really what they live for. I don't have anything like that. I don't have that one thing that fills my soul. I love my life. I love being a wife and a mother. BUT I would also like to discover more about myself, and find out what it is that I LOVE to do. You'd think at almost 28 years old I would have that figured out. Ok, back to Kylee:) I love watching her dance. I love watching her face light up when she does a move right she had been practicing. What I love most of all, how happy dance makes her. I hope she continues to love it, if not I guess we'll move on to her next adventure. Here are some pictures from her recital she had in May. Both sets of Grandparents came to watch Kylee dance. I thought I had a picture of Kylee with my parents, but I can't seem to find it. The last picture is Kylee and Mags! Maggie is the daughter of my dear friend Jana. It's so fun to watch your child play with your best friends child:)   Don't mind the mess behind Kylee, it happens.


Summers Family said...

She looks so cute it her little outfit! I feel the same way Age! I don't have one passion that I love. But at the same time my passion IS my family, and our church! It doesn't matter what else we have, as long as we have those two things!

OurHappyFamily said...

Darling Kylee! Don't you just love Erica?? I LOVE that girl! Sure miss you Age! xo

Kristin said...

She is to die for adorable in her ballet getup! I used to dance and I quit for a dumb reason. Don't let her quit! Unless she starts to hate it. :) And listen, you're my idol. Seriously, if I stay on top of my life half as well as you do yours, I'd consider myself so accomplished. You're amazing, Age! Even if you never make it onto a dancing reality show. :)

Tifani said...

I wish I could have seen her dance. It looks like she is a little pro at it. I love what Emma said about how our family and faith can be our passion too. I've discovered more about my likes and passions as I have grown into motherhood. And I think you are selling yourself short. You don't have to be amazingly talented at one thing. You can have little talents in many things. I know that you are a bomb cook and you enjoy good food. I know that you are amazingly generous. I know that you have a gift for making people laugh. Those are all talents. Love you. (I have struggled with the "one" gift/talent as well. I've sort of gotten over it with time. It sucks away happiness. You are awesome!!)