Friday, June 14, 2013


I was stuck working on Christmas Eve. I really thought I would only be down there a few hours because who in the world wants to go see their OB on Christmas Eve? Boy was I wrong! I think I scanned 20 women that day. Every woman had about 5 or more family member with her that were in for the holidays and wanted to see the baby! The day went by pretty fast though which was good. While I was at work, Mark took the kids to his parents house. We usually spend the whole day over there. I got there around 4 and was able to have dinner with them. Christmas morning we opened presents with the kids and ate a delicious breakfast. Later we went to my parents house for Christmas dinner. My Dad is the BEST cook in the world. Anytime he is going to cook, you don't ask questions, you just ask what time and show up ready to eat!! I love the holidays and being able to spend so much time with family!


Our annual Ugly Sweater Party came with a twist! Kellee had the brilliant idea to make it a "who-ville" themed party. It was SO much fun. I was super impressed with how into it everyone got. The costumes were amazing, and the hairdo's could of won awards! Kellee set her fancy dining room up with nice plates and glasses. We dined in style with ham and all the essential sides. We ended the night exchanging presents and laying around laughing. How blessed I feel to have had the same friends since high school. We always dreamed about staying friends, our husbands liking each other, and our kids playing together. It's so surreal to see it actually happen sometimes.


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