I walked thru the door and instantly smelled nail polish. I tried not to freak out and told myself that Mark gave Kylee a pedicure:) Seconds later Kylee yells, "Mom! Brock is in your nail polish and he is getting it every where!!" I hurried and ran upstairs to find my sick husband sleeping in bed and my 1 1/2 old covered in nail polish! What am I going to do with this boy? It's in the carpet, it's on toys, it's in my bed.....most importantly Brock is covered, and I mean covered in dark red nail polish! I put him in the tub and tried to scrub it off. Scrubbing didn't take it off! I have no idea how to get it off! A few people have told me that it will just ware off after a few days. SERIOUSLY? I have to walk around with the child looking like half his face is bleeding for a few days until it just wares off? Where is my easy button when I need one? I'm off to bed to sleep in my nail polish covered bed:) Nighty-night
Oh jeez!!! He does look super cute, although I'd be pretty upset too. Did you try nail polish remover?
That's what I thought it was when I saw the first picture- Blood! What did he do to himself! And then I kept reading! HaHaHa! So funny! I'd google for some tips on how to get it all out! Happy cleaning!
Oh goodness! Ha ha and yet he is still just so cute!
OH MY GOSH!!! I need to call you and hear how this one got resolved... haha!
So you're putting Ky back at Kristen's?? I need to call you about dance. Eden is starting tomorrow but I have the weekend to decide what day will be her official day... Monday, Friday or Saturday. She is SO EXCITED!!
Play date... soon??
That sounds like fun-- more funny that Mark is sleeping while babysitting (sounds like my husband)-- my husband was sick a couple weeks ago and I walked into the same situation.
He looks so innocent and cute covered in that nail polish:)
My girls have done that too, its probably worn off by now, but I used nail polish remover and it works great.
ha ha! love that lil one! ha ha. but it makes you wonder what inspires kids to paint themselves with nail polish, or draw all over themselves- including their faces??! ha! guess kids don't quite get consequences yet- ie) "if i color on my face it is going to be on there for a while." Instead they must think something like- "I'm putting this red stuff all over my body."that's all. kinda cool how they are so much in the present moment! funny too!
Oh my goodness! I know this was a while ago, but SUCK! I am sorry!
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