Saturday, July 31, 2010


This day came way too fast! I am having the hardest time
with Brock being nursery age.....I think it has a lot to do
with the fact that I can't stand this age:) The tantrums, the whining,
the constant hitting. I really could go on and on. I'm so thankful
that Kylee is at a age where most of that other stuff is out
of her system, most of the time anyway:) If I had two kids that
acted like Brock I would probably pull my hair out. Motherhood
definitely has it's challenges, and having your patience tested every day
is one of them. Today I am grateful that we age....that's what keeps
me going, knowing that Brock will grow out of this stage. LOL


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

Girlfriend. I TOTALLY know what you are talking about. Sage is at that whining stage. It about kills me.

Missy said...

Thank goodness for nursery! It's a lifesaver at church. Like many have told me, the "terrible twos" don't necessarily start at 2, sometimes it's before and sometimes not until they are closer to 3. This too shall pass:)

Burdett Family said...

I can't believe he is already in nursery either. Wow. And I only wish I could give you hope but Riley is four and still whinny. I think he gets worse the older he gets.

Ashlee G. said...

He's super cute!!

Matt and Heather said...

Brock is growing up so fast! And him and Kylee just keep getting cuter and cuter :)
p.s. you look so tan, i'm so jealous

Unknown said...

But... he's cute!!

OurHappyFamily said...

Ahh... what a handsome little guy!

I am totally laughing at your post. In our house, the whining, drama, strong willed/independent streaks start at 18 months and don't leave until... who knows. Eden is 3 1/2 and while she's getting better there are definitely days that I want to pull my hair out. However, when I go check on them before I go to bed and see them sleeping peacefully, they look so sweet and my hearts melts all over again!

Love you!!

thesvancaras said...

Cute little man. You make me scared to have a boy. :o)

Tommy and Teisha said...

He looks so much like Mark--yeah I am learning about the whining stage right now as well... exhausting.