Monday, April 27, 2009

Brock's Hair

This is a typical day with Kylee, happy and smiling one minute and then screaming angry the next...what is it with 2 year old girls? Or is it just mine?

So the back of Brock's head is starting to get a little bald spot and I thought today that I should just buzz all of his hair off. It's super long on top and I just wanted it to be even. Mark got home from work and I ran it by him and he was totally against it. Usually this wouldn't stop me and I would do it anyway because "mama knows best" right? BUT I kinda freaked myself out and just decided to take a little off of the top where it was super long. I think I did pretty good for not knowing what I am doing and all:)


Cassie Forsgren said...

ooh he's already had his first hair cut! That is so cute! hey I am off of bed rest as long as i promise to take the med they gave me so we need to make some plans to do something!

Kristen said...

He is too cute! You could do anything to his hair and he would still be such a stud!

Amelia Kate said...

Niiice! I need to trim Mckemy's...she is sporting a major mullet!

Jenni Sue said...

His first haircut. He is really adorable.

The Thatchers said...

i love the dress up photoes. and your boy is so cute.

Katie said...

In that last picture, he seriously looks like the Gerber Baby. Seriously!!

Tifani said...

I can't believe you were going to go against my better judgement and buzz it off....after I begged you not to. Come on!!! It's baby hair, you can't buzz baby hair. It's so precious and soft and wonderful. Thank goodness Mark talked some sense into you. You may thank him for me.

remi said...

first of all, the reason Kylee is smiling in the second picture is OBVIOUSLY because she had her clothes off.
:) That would make a two year old happy any day.....just don't ever dress her and you're set!

what ever happened to that shamelessness?

Burdett Family said...

wow he is totally looking like his sister now.

The Zemp Family said...

Very cute you did a great job. As for the happy then sad, mad... Kylee. I think that is very normal. Both of my kids are entering that fantastic stage. I pretty much want to rip my hair out. Good luck to you.

Summers Family said...

It's definitely ALL 2 year olds... I was looking forward to 3, but I here it's just as bad if not worse! He looks so cute with the long hair... I agree with Mark, don't cut it!

Jenna said...

yeah you did a god job! He is such a cute baby! and yea, that is typical of a two year old girl! at least all the ones ive known!

Love Cami. said...

that's every girl...