In celebration of Kylee's success with potty-training, my sister had the coolest idea for a photo shoot. We put Ky in her big girl panties and did a photo shoot of her playing dress up! They ended up being SO cute:)
With the potty-training, Kylee is fully potty-trained BUT only if she is wearing no pants! If she has pants on she forgets that she doesn't have a diaper on and just pees her pants...how do I get her to still use the toilet when she is wearing pants? HELP!!
What a great idea! I will be celebrating up and down when that day comes. You go girl!
AWWW! I want a little girl just so I can take pictures of her! You're SO LUCKY to have a sister photographer. Where can I get me one of those?
That is a cute idea and the pics are great! I posted some pics of my family for you on my blog!
Those pictures turned out adorable- I love the idea. I wish I could help you with the potty training advice but I am sure I'll be asking you for the advice in 3 years.
Too CUte!
That is so adorable :) Hey I remembered you asked me where I got Londyn's Easter Bunny sweat suit! My sister in law got it from the disney store like 5 years ago because she thought she was gonna have a girl but ended up having 4 boys! So she just gave it to me :)
I have a question!!! How do you put your pictures in those cute frames? I went on to ShabbyBlogs and saved the frame but I can't figure out how to get my picture in there! Did you use Picasa or Scrapblog? THX!
HAHA! I love that she forgets to go if she has pants on. Even though it stinks for you... :) She is so cute!
How cute!! She is so adorable:) That is a good idea to celebrate her being a "big girl!
And Payton does the saem thing, if I put clothes on her she forgets to go on the potty. When you find out how to stop that, let me know:)
She does the cutest photo shoots! Your sister is so creative! And Kylee is so cute. shes growing up so fast :)
Don't you love potty training?! I love the pics. I'm so excited to have your sis do our family photos in a few weeks. As far as the pants on situation.. I would just say have her wear them at home to practice and get used to it. ? Brocks hair looks great. He's so cute.
Oh my gosh, Adria! Ryen did the SAME thing! It felt like it took forever to potty train her, but we got there. I know I'm late commenting on this and she's probably already over it, but hey. :) Actually, it was your grandma who suggested stripping Ryen to potty train her. Brilliant woman!
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