Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I feel like the last few weeks have been SO busy! We have been slammed with Dr appointments up the ying-yang. Both Brock and Dawson were born with a Sacral Dimple. Brock had to get a MRI when he was about 8 months, they put him under and everything. Dawson on the other hand only had to get an Ultrasound which was SO much cheaper! I wish my old pediatrician would of thought of an Ultrasound. It was super interesting to watch because I had never seen one before. He was a trooper and just laid on his tummy with his little toosh tucked up in the air:) Both Kylee and Dawson had their cleanings where cavities were found, dun-dun-dun! I was so sad. I really had a goal that my kids would never have cavities, a girl can dream right? It was her first time getting x-rays done so that's how they found them. The evil cause is the dreaded flossing answer! Anyway, we went and got them filled this week where I opted out of the laughing gas. I vividly remember taking that stuff when I was little and then throwing up my wheat chex all over the hygienist and the dentist! I thought she would do fine without it, which she did. After we had fun taking pictures of her with her numb mouth! So funny. I love my Dentist! He is awesome. If anyone is looking for a new one let me know and I'll give you his info. I had to go get a Varicella vaccine for my externship. DANG those things hurt. I haven't had a vaccine in so long I had forgotten what they felt like. My arm was sore for a good 3-4 days. Dawson had his 1 month check up where he weighed in at 9.13 a whole 2 pounds up from his birth weight and over a whole pound in just 2 weeks. I'm glad my milk is doing his body good:) I finally feel today like things are slowing down, which I'm super happy about.

I went and got my hair done this week. Kylee came because she needed a trim. She always begs me for color in her hair so I talked to Suzy about it and she said she could use my left over bleach and add some to just a couple pieces for a few minutes. You can't even see it because it blends with her hair so well which I'm happy about. Kylee doesn't know the difference, she is just so happy she got color in her hair. She also got a cute little feather put in her hair. It was a much needed girls afternoon.

Our family of 5 is so perfect. Mark is so amazing with Kylee and Brock. He gets home and plays games with them, jumps on the tramp, wrestles all over the place. I'm so happy he is such a good, active, involved daddy. They look up to him so much and get so excited when they hear the garage open at the end of the day.

Dawson took his first nap in his crib today. I haven't had the heart to put him in their at night so he is still in his bassinet next to my bed. He has been my loudest baby! He squirms and grunts and snores. It's so cute! I can't believe how fast time is going by. I just wish it would stop or slow down so I can enjoy this phase a little more. I'm still waiting for him to smile! I stand over him and make weird noises and talk funny but still haven't gotten anything. I can tell that he is already a mama's boy. He loves to snuggle up on my chest. I just love this age so much, the sassy stage not so much, but this I could do forever:)


Clint, Marianne, Sage, Charlotte, Emery and Ivy said...

I'm right there with you. Wish I could have a newborn every day for the rest of my life. Babies are the best.

Cassie Forsgren said...

im so glad you guys came over and i got to hold your newest little bundle! we need to do dinner!

Summers Family said...

I had high hopes for no cavities too. Andy has perfect teeth and has never had a cavity! Me on the other hand... not so much!
Rachel had a small cavity at her last appointment, and she didn't even need the shot for her filling because it was so small. I'm hoping she won't need anymore!

Samuelson Family said...

So cute age! Loves!