Mark and I have been in Florida since Tuesday. My kids have been with my sister Tifani in Tucson since Sunday. This is the first time I have ever left my little man over night and probably the 3rd or 4th time we have left Kylee. By Wednesday I was missing them SO much, which by the way was a total shocker! I have been excited for this kid free week for months!! Friday night my sister sends me these pictures that she took of my beautiful babies AND I have been ready to come home ever since! How adorable are my kids? Is it really possible for a person to change so much in just a week? Tomorrow can not come fast enough:)
I'm with you! I can barely get through a girls night out with my friends, before I start thinking, Missing...My...Babies....
Those pictures are gorgeous!
i miss your kids by looking at these!! And I have only met them once!!! man what a whole week will do to you without kids!!! props for going and being brave!!! I have to come to that point one day, and I cant do it.
Your kids are beautiful! And I'm the same way on vacations, I only last a day and I'm missing them!!:)
so flippin cute. Love them.
Too cute! I think you are a pansy! LOL!!! I would miss my kids too...
I love all of your updates!!! That is so so so cute that Kylee is such a little woman and all into makeup :) She did a pretty good job too. Hello Florida! Sounds like lots of fun! Brock is getting so big. I would be missing them too! We went to Vegas for 2 nights and I cried when I dropped off the girls.
Beautiful pictures! It's so nice to have family to take care of your kids while you are away. Atleast you know they are in good hands and are having fun:)
They are sooo cute!!! Oh my goodness! I love these pictures! I love Ky's side smile like I can remember doing all the time when a camera was put on me-- such a girl! Love Brock's smile... TEETH!!! Oh my goodness! They are growing so fast *tear* I miss you guys!
When we went on our cruise, Lily looked like a new baby when we got home. The pictures she took are too cute. They look so grown up.
how stinking adorable are those?!
I've heard that from so many people...how much they miss their kids when they're on vacation...I think it just shows how great a mom you are!
I have not been brave enough to leave Tennyson either... but I am sure the break was great. (Brock is looking so old!)
I know!!!
I have never ever been away from my kids for a single night, and I might go for a couple nights this year with Scott...but I just. don't. know. if. I. can. do. it.
But it would be oh so good for us.
I just don't like the thought of being away from them at all.
I hope you enjoyed your kid-free week, though.
oh i love them. you are the prettiest mama adria! love you love you loveyou.
First of all, your children are adorable and your sister is an incredible photographer! How fun to have beautiful, casual photos like that without spending a fortune!
Second of all, this post makes me very nervous. We have only left Lili overnight once, and we've yet to leave Serelle overnight. We're planning a 9 day trip to Costa Rica in November, should we change it to 5 days? Should we "practice" leaving them overnight before we go?
I was nothing but excited for a week alone together, but now I'm a little nervous...
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