Just got back from seeing New Moon!!! It was fabulous!! So much better than Twilight:) We got tickets for a 7:30pm showing and got awesome seats! In the book I love Edward so much.....but in the movie everything changed for me because of one person....Taylor Lautner!!!! I absolutely loved him in the movie and could of cared less if Edward every came back! *sigh* I've never been to a movie where people yelled and screamed at certain scenes, it was hilarious. As soon as Edward came on the screen people would start screaming, I was laughing so hard! When we got out of the movie there were TONS of people lined up around the whole theater for the midnight showing. It was so nice to get out of there by 9:45 instead of 3am. I decided to read the books again SO if I'm not around for a while that's why:) It's starting!!
Bummer Lamb
5 years ago
Yea for New Moon!!! I loved every second of it. For real, so much better than Twilight! How'd you get in so early? Ours started at 9, and that was still way too late for me. I'm exhausted.
I'm so jealous of a 7:30 showing! We did the 12:17 showing, so I just woke up from a whopping 4 hours of sleep and am wondering how in the world I'm going to be a nice mom today?!?
Amen to loving Jacob WAY more than Edward. I loved Jacob in the books too, and secretly hoped that Bella would choose him and that opinion was only deepened by the movie. Bella is right, he is sort of beautiful.
Hahaha... what a fun night! I had no clue they were showing it before midnight??
ps- I LOVE you hair curled like that... so pretty!
Your hair looks so pretty. HOw did you do that?
How fun i can't wait to go see it. Just have to convince Craig to go with me.
I had so much fun and cant wait to do it again in JUne!!!
Oh man... I secretly want to see this. I have been trying to talk my little 12 year old sister into seeing it with me.
You're so cute. I would have been pretty irritated if people kept screaming at random parts. :)Our group was pretty low-key. Did it feel somewhat anti-climactic to you? I don't know, maybe I'm being influenced by Todd saying over and over again that there wasn't enough fighting...
I agree with you about the whole Edward/Jacob thing. Jacob is so much better in the movie but I loved Edward in the books! haha. I had a girls night at the midnight showing it was not fun getting out at 3! haha! Glad you had fun!
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