Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

The only word I can think to describe our midnight black Friday shopping is CRAZINESS!!! I have never seen anything like it. When we got to the mall people were waiting outside pounding, yes I said pounding, on the doors waiting for the mall to open. As soon as the doors opened Connie and I held on to each other for dear life because people started screaming and running in, it was probably one of the funniest things I have ever seen. They had a DJ in the food court playing music, it felt like we were in a night club....which I must admit was kind of fun:) Within minutes every store had a line half a mile long, I found some cute stuff but couldn't justify waiting in line for 30 minutes just to buy a couple shirts. We ended our shopping at Old Navy where I hit the mother load of cuteness for the kids!!!
Connie was my shopping partner. We had SO SO much fun. Here we are in Clairs looking at all of the crazy accessories, and I mean CRAZY! After we took these two pictures the girls at the store yelled at us and told us that we couldn't take pictures in their store....seriously? I finally got to bed around 5am and woke up at 8am and am surprisingly feeling really good so far:) All in all I would say it was a successful black Friday!


Love Cami. said...

oh my heck. crazy. i like sleep too much. :)

Missy said...

I heard it was SO crazy at the mall! You guys are brave! I'm glad you had a good time:)

Brian and Ginger said...

You are crazy!!!! Much more brave than I am. I couldn't do the black Friday thing :)

Megan said...

Wow girl. You are braaaave! :)

TheBurtons said...

"Well I will just take my business elsewhere then!" ~Adria Svancara

Jenni Sue said...

I did that last year, but my shopping buddy has since I was sad I didn't get to go this year. (Weird how not very many people I know will go with me!) Looks like you had tons of fun!