I used to want only girls UNTIL I had this little man. I told Mark the other night that I wouldn't mind now having all boys...and
Kylee of course. Call me CRAZY but I am ready to have another baby. I'm ready to pop these last two babies out and close this pregnancy chapter in my life. Mark tells me not to put a cap on how many kids we are going to have and I tell him I won't until we get to 4:) I love being a mom and having children but also know that I probably won't be able to handle more than 4. Maybe once we move and have a bigger house with a backyard I will feel different.
I can't even express how grateful I am for the family I have. I take so much pride in being a stay at home mom. Being able to take care of my little one's is hands down the best job I could ever have! I have my moments where I want to leave and not come back for a couple days, but I still wouldn't change my life for anything:)

My mom made this blanket for Brock last year. It's a "eye spy" quilt. There are tons of different shapes and animal on it and cool little trinkets that she sewed on that he grabs at. It keeps him preoccupied for hours. He is almost crawling!! He gets up on his knees and rocks back and forth, I can't believe how grown up he is.

I love this picture. I was feeding Brock his bottle in his room when I heard something crash downstairs. I laid Brock down in his crib with his bottle so he could still eat while I went to go check it out, and this is how I found him when I came back in to finish feeding him:) I love how his foot is propped up and how the nipple is resting on his eye, he is passed out! He is so cute.
I hope I get the pleasure of having a baby boy too one of these days:) That quilt sounds awesome!
How fun! Well that makes me even more excited now to have a boy :) I can't wait for all of it! haha. He is such a cutie and i love the last picture of him sleeping, It cracks me up!
I love that last picture he is so cute.
he is such a beautiful baby...and those eyes of his...hope they stay that blue!
How cute! I am so excited to see you! We aren't going to Phx till the 17 now though.
I feel the same as you... I just want to not be pregnant ever again in my life so I want to get it over with. Tell Mark 4 is a lot of kids.
We should totally plan our next pregnancies!
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