Sunday, August 16, 2009


We went to Tucson on Wednesday to hang out with my sister for the day. It was so nice just having a little over an hour drive to see her verses a 3 hour flight:)
Tifani made play dough for the kids. Poor Kylee didn't even know what play dough was, she kept calling it Pludo.....that's how fun I am when we are at home.

We let the kids eat some ice cream outside when it started raining...Kylee has never played in the rain either so she was a little confused at first and then really excited! She had a lot of firsts on this trip.

Tifani is our little Martha Stewart! Being around her makes me want to be a better wife and mother. Thanks for letting us come out and play:)


Tifani said...

That little video of Kylee in the rain turned out awesome. We loved having you here!

Katie said...

What a cute bunch of kids! I am dying over the close up of Brock -He is PERFECT!!

Burdett Family said...

how fun I wish Emma only moved that far away but she's not. The kidos are so cute.