Five years ago today Mark and I walked out of the Mesa, Arizona Temple sealed for time and all eternity!! I seriously cannot believe how fast 5 years has gone by. I look back and think how we were just two young kids crazy in love. Five years later we still feel the same..except we have added two other people to the list that we are crazy in love with! I can't believe this family that our love has created. I am so incredibly blessed to have Mark as my husband. He makes me laugh every single day, he tells me he loves me every single day, and he makes me feel safe and secure every single day! Every day gets better and better being married to him. I can't wait to see what the next 5 years holds for us:)
Congrats you guys! SUch an awesome couple!
Congrats! I hope it doesn't add 5 more sizes again! LOL! You guys are still as cute as ever together, and you haven't aged a bit! Love ya!
Yea! I haven't even seen some of those pictures. Have a wonderful evening darling! I am sure that your anniversary celebration will be go a lot better than ours did.
Happy 5th! Those pics are great.
Happy Aniversary. It is crazy how fast five years went bye. Remeber when you came to Utah with Mark to help him move And you guys met Craig for the first time and I met Mark and we all went to Cafe Rio together. And now we are married to those Great guys. I totally just remebered that.
happy anniversary!!Sorry it's late
Happy Anniversary! Thats awesome! We love you guys :) Congrats!
Your wedding pictures are so beautiful! And look at you! Five years and two kids later... nobody would know it from looking at you. You're such a hottie :)
You look gorgeous Adria. Happy 5th Anniversary you two! What a beautiful thing.
I loved looking at these pictures of you guys. I felt happy just reading your post.
We celebrate five years this year, too, and I can't believe all that has happened since that day.
I don't know how I missed this one, but congrats!!!!
I love hanging out with you two
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