Our little Brockster had his 2 month check up today which meant the dreaded shots:( Having a boy is so much more complicated than having a girl....I'll explain. I guess after his circumcision the top part of his little wiener got stuck to the skin. Mark and I have been wondering if we ruined him for life because his little willy was always inverted. The doctor took one look at it and said it was stuck and that all she had to do was "pop" it out. Boy am I glad that I had nothing to do with fixing that one. It was SO sad. She basically had to pull the skin off of the top of his little wiener to pop it back out. It started bleeding and he started crying, it was really sad to watch. Now I am back to putting vaseline on it when I change him and pulling the skin back to make sure it doesn't stick again. Phew, we really thought our poor Brocky was going to be handicap in that area for the rest of his life SO I was glad to find out that this wasn't the case:) After they fixed him the nurse came in to give him 5 shots...I don't remember Kylee getting that many at her 2 month. So my poor little man has been "popped" and poked and still managed to smile at me while I was taking pictures of him!! I love having a boy so much. I was so worried when I was pregnant with him because all I knew was girls but I am so grateful that Heavenly Father sent him to me. He is just the sweetest little boy. Call me crazy but I love getting up with him in the middle of the night to nurse him. He greets me with a big smile and starts cooing. It is just our special little time alone together. Brock weighed in at a whopping 12 1\2 pounds!! He is such a little chunkster and I LOVE it! Kylee was 17 pounds at one year so she never had the rolls on her thighs! He is 23 1\2 inches long..I have a feeling he is gonna be a tall one:)
Bummer Lamb
5 years ago
he is so cute. poor guy. What a rough day. Hey it starting to look like Kylee.
Oh my goodness. Poor little guy. No fun. He looks so stinking cute thought!!! I can't believe he is already 2 months old.
I'm so glad I'm a girl. Not that boys remember any of that stuff, but still. Poor kid. Glad everything's back to normal. :)
That is why I am so glad that I am being blessed with 2 little girls! I didn't want to have to deal with all that weenie stuff! I'm glad he won't be scarred for life! Rachel wasn't chunky either, and I really hope that this one gets some chubby rolls!
Oh man, what an ordeal! Poor Brock, and you guys. Glad she was able to fix "it" though. He's so cute. Yeah, boys are great. It seems like there's a special bond with opposite sex- moms and sons, dads and girls. Your right too about having that time alone, in the quiet dark nursing your baby. You remember those times, ya know? so sweet.
We had the exact same thing happen. Ooooh man. It's so sad to watch! Our doc said it's because Drake's such a chunk that we have to push down all the excess chubbalub to even get to the point that you were talking about. I don't anyone else to get TMI but you know... SOOO DIFFERENT THAN A GIRL!!! I was sooo worried about having little boy too, but isn't it SO MUCH FUN!? I love it. He is such a momma's boy and he already makes me feel so special. It's so CRAZY how differently boys and girls are from the start, huh? He looks soooo handsome and happy. Reading your post was almost as if I'd written it myself. It's amazing hearing you say the exact same things I'm going through right now. I don't mind the early mornings either. I might be a little hesitant... and groggy until I see the beautiful gummy smile. I love nursing too... it's pretty amazing to have that mommy-son time... and it definitely helps that he's such a great little eater. Cute baby boys. I always love getting your comments you are the sweetest woman alive. Greg and I seriously cannot wait to see you guys... let's have the boys do some planning.
Oh man, what a day! He is so super cute. I feel the same way, I am so nervous for when I have a girl cause I am so used to boys.
AWW poor little guy. And poor you guys!
He is seriously so dang cute, I love his wild hair :) I cant wait to see what he looks like in a few years!
Thanks for letting me hang out with him last night. It was good to see you :)
Poor Brock! I am so intimidated with all that boy stuff, I wouldn't even know where to begin. I'm glad he is ok! I love his chunky rolls, they are so cute!
Poor guy that must have been so painful, but I heard it's really common. Since Jack was a premie we had to wait to get him circumcised because they were afraid that would happen, and even after he was big enough they said it happens a lot. Brock is one tough cookie.:)
wow! he weighs more than londyn does! how cute. and thats how i felt about nursing her in the night too. if they could talk that would be the time they would tell us their secrets :)
I can't believe it has been 2 months either-- I am nervous about having a boy too! I am glad that everything is alright with him though.
Tell me about it! Such maintenance!
I *love* that you love getting up with him at night. I think that when I look back on motherhood, those quiet, sleepy moments are some I'm going to miss the most.
I am so in love with your kids. Can they be any cuter aje? His poor little chunky thighs. ha. Love you!
Ah man he is just so cute! Mckemy just got get her 6 month shots the other day, our poor babies!
Oh my gosh! I totally agree about the circumcision. It totally traumatized me! But I love having a boy so much too! He is such a cutie I can't get over it! And the red hair..to die for!
I LOVE his rolls! What a cutie!
He's a cutie. We had some trouble in the lower region of the boy department. I can tell you about it sometime if you want. I am glad it was an easy fix and even though it hurt and he cried, he'll heal up in no time.
He's getting big. He's gonna be like his daddy!
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