Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sweet Grandma Clay

Grandma's first time seeing Brock.Kylee got into her chapstick and looked like a clown pretty much the rest of the day:)

Grandma Clay celebrated her 93rd birthday on Friday. We all got together at her nursing home to celebrate it with her. She is such a sweetheart and we are so thankful to have her in our lives:)


Kristen said...

Your grandma is adorable!! I loved the pictures - Kylie looks so good in pink! :)

Jenna said...

you are gonna cherish those pictures you got of her with your kids in the years to come!

Missy said...

I think it is to sweet to see grandparents holding their little grandkids like that. You look so great for just having a baby!

thesvancaras said...

It was nice seeing you guys! Your new little man is so so sweet! Brian was holding him and he turns to me and says.." I can't wait"

Cassie Forsgren said...

What a sweet little lady! Kylee of course looking divalicous and Brock, is he ever so handsome!

Summers Family said...

That's ok, we ended up not staying for Friday because Andy's friend wanted him to go to the race on Saturday. I probably won't be going down again till after the baby is born, Andy is a little (ok a lot) nervous about me traveling at all in the last tri-mester. I know... Hopefully we will be going down in the end of May when Troy & Alyssa get sealed though, so we will have to meet up then. Mark's Grandma is so cute... I wish we still had a Grandma.