Saturday, February 7, 2009


My niece and nephew along with the rest of the cousins wrote little messages to Micah and tied them onto a balloon. They let the balloons go all at the same time and we watched them fly away. It was such a sweet idea and the white balloons looked so beautiful in the sky.
Yesterday I watched my sister and her husband bury their little baby. Their sweet little Micah was born just a day after my Brock at 23 weeks. Heavenly Father was gracious enough to allow Micah to bless our lives for a few hours before taking him back home. Today all I can think about is the gospel and how thankful I am to have it in my life. I am so thankful for the plan of salvation and to know that my sister will be able to see her baby again. I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father. I am thankful for my testimony of this church. I love my family so much. My sisters and I have such a close relationship, they are my best friends. It really shouldn't take times like these to make me open my eyes and appreciate all I have....


Katie said...

I am so, so sorry to hear about your sister's loss. I will remember her and her family in my prayers.

The Zemp Family said...

Your sisters loss is so personal and sacred that it's hard to find words to fit, what I can only imagine the true deep emotion would be. We will pray for your family and especially your sister, because I believe this type of loss is one that only a loving Father in Heaven can comfort and heal. This kind of stuff has a way of helping me to count my many blessing too.

Kellee said...

oh man age, i had no idea. i'm sorry to hear this happened. this makes me sooo sad. i'm glad you have a strong outlook and way of coping, and i'm glad that your sister has such an awesome supportive family. you are all in my thoughts. i love you.

Missy said...

I am so sorry! It broke my heart to read this. I will keep them in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry. I can't imagine what your sister is going through. It is comforting to know that a loving Heavenly Father has a special place for the sweet little babies! I'll keep your family in my prayers.