I had my 36 week check up today with the dreaded cervix check DUN DUN DUN!! It actually wasn't as bad as I remember it being, my new doctor must have magic hands:) I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone by, I feel like I still have another 5 months left...which I would actually prefer. This pregnancy has honestly been a breeze, most days I forget I am pregnant until I run into something with my belly! I have really loved being pregnant the last nine months. My favorite part of the day is at night when the baby is most active. I just lay in bed with my hands on my belly and feel him roll all over the place. He is such an ACTIVE baby, I think I am going to miss feeling him inside of me once he is born. We finally got the babies room all put together, minus decorations, but at least the crib is up. I really didn't want to paint the room at all so I have a lot of decorating to do to make it feel like a cute room. I made some burp rags last week and they turned out SUPER cute! I was so proud of myself because I haven't sewed in years, it really made me want to go buy a sewing machine. Anyway, my belly is-a-growing...as well as another part of my body that I hope will deflate after nursing this time around....I will keep you updated after each appointment! PS I want to take a survey on how much weight everyone gained over the holidays.....I gained 5 pounds!!! Holy Crap I know, the nurse said I must of eaten too many cookies! Ha ha
Bummer Lamb
5 years ago
Holy big belly!!!I'm so excited for you! I cant wait to meet him :)
Ya your belly is pretty big. When I was pregnant with Riley it was a better pregnancy then with Carly it must be a boy thing. Can't wait to see you Saturday.
Your belly looks just like mine did. I had zero stretch marks. good for you. at my 36 wk appt my doc had to run out for a delivery so his (woman) assistant checked me and i was like oh its not so bad! hahaha but the next week when he did it i was like youch!!! such a difference from her fingers to his! anyway i really miss feeling her inside me sometimes so you just might this time. cute burp rags & keep updating on the checkups!
What is that appointment? I am dreading it too now. Crazy that he'll be here any day now. I definitely beat you on the weight-- I hadn't put anything weight on with my pregnancy until the holidays... I put on 9 pounds!
You look great! I love feeling my babies inside me too! I can't wait for you to welcome that little man into your home! I love my little boy soooo much! I am so excited for you! I love the burp rags also, they are darling!!!
Beautiful belly Adria! I am so jealous, not a stretch mark to be seen....You could be one of those prego runway moms! He'll be here before you know it.
You are a BRAVE girl for posting your belly:) I still can't believe you are so close! I love Kylee's little face...she is so proud of her hair! Those burp cloths turned out so cute...good job sista!
I love the belly! I can't believe how fast our kids are growing either. Good luck with the deflation! I am so excited for Saturday! I only gained 3 pounds... actualy they were the first 3 I've gained this time... hopefully I won't gain much more. I didn't lose as much with this one... only 28 lbs instead of 31, and I weight more to begin with, so hopefully I won't gain too much now... I still have 17, well 15 weeks left! Have fun!
I cant believe it almost over! I hope my pregnancy goes as fast and smooth as yours did!
I can't wait to see the baby room! I am so happy for you Age! I can't wait for the little one to come!!! The burp rags did turn out great, and you can use my sewing machine anytime!
Looking at little baby Kylee makes me so excited for my little girl. I love buying tiny little dresses, little shoes and tights!! I have seen a lot of cute boy stuff I want to buy him. I would if I didn't have my own little one on the way. About the weight gain, I have really slowed down a ton. I put on most of my weight right at the start. I hope im pretty much done gaining weight. Our little girl can get a little bigger... but my bun buns and Chesty really need to slow down! Don't worry about weight.. you only have a month left then you will get skinny mini again!!!
No - Mark is being SO SECRETIVE!! I even asked him if I needed to charge the camera? Can I wear flip flops? Do I get to sleep in? All he says is "I can't tell you that right now....." I have even tried tricking him into telling me - to use. I'll let you know though!
I cant wait to be prego, you're way ahead of me.. soooo what colors are you decorating with?
Yay!!! I can't believe he's almost here. You look great!!! No stretch marks is a beautiful thing. I was super lucky too. You have to keep us posted on when you go in. Did you go full term with Kylee?
thats just not right sis. I wish I would've felt that way when I was pregnant with my kids. I can't believe you're so close! Lucky thing. I can't wait to meet him and snuggle.
thats just not right sis. I wish I would've felt that way when I was pregnant with my kids. I can't believe you're so close! Lucky thing. I can't wait to meet him and snuggle.
You look so cute in your pics! I can't believe how tiny you are! I was a blimp! HAHA! Luckily I didn't get stretch marks either so keep your fingers crossed. I love little boys! (I am biased) anyways, yea we are here in Utah. I keep telling Lee that I wouldn't mind moving away so we have been looking for jobs in other states too. I am rooting for AZ but Lee hates the heat so we will see. Good luck on your baby!
5 lbs over the holidays--that's it?! That's NOTHING to feel bad about. I won't even tell you how much I gain when I'm pregnant over the holidays. Hope everything is well and he comes right when you want him to!
Your belly is so pretty! I can't wait to see your little guy it will be so soon! It's crazy that we will both have families of four. What the heck these past four years have flown. I am so happy to say that I actually lost 3 pounds over the holidays. I think my body is messing with me because it seems like when I try to be healthy not much happens, but when I sit on my butt and pig out I lose weight? I don't get it, but whatever I'll take what I can get!
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