Kylee took the sacrament for the first time on Sunday so I HAD to document it of course with a picture of her holding her cup:)

This is a cast of my parents hands. We had it made for them for Christmas.

This is a cast of my parents hands. We had it made for them for Christmas.
We had such a good Christmas this year. We spend Christmas Eve with Marks family and Christmas Day with my family. Kylee made out with lots of girly stuff which included a princess dress up treasure chest.....let's just say this girl practically sleeps in her princess outfits:) We got to talk to my brother Matt on the phone!! It was just a really good year. I can't believe how fast this year went by.
My 24th birthday was yesterday, the 29th, I woke up to a beautiful bouquet of roses, a sweet card, and a cute birthday sign hanging from the wall! My Mark is so sweet. I spend the afternoon with two of my best girlie's for lunch....where Kylee got to feed chickens I'll post that soon....and my evening with my sweetheart and the Cheesecake Factory! Instead of cheesecake I wanted Nielsons concrete ice cream with peanut butter cups...YES it is as delish as it sounds! Even though it felt like any other day it was still a wonderful any other day:)
Happy Birthday!
Fun. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Adria! Are you really 24?! Sweetness!
I'm glad that you were able to go out. That ice cream sounds so delicious right now. Mom and Dad's hand cast turned out so awesome. Good present idea! I keep getting Braxton Hix! Ouch!
Im so glad you had a good Bday. And your little girl is getting so big, and adorable.
Sounds like a fun Christmas! Mark is a pretty amazing husband! Do you know when your shower is going to be yet?
Ky looks so cute in that dress:) She did make out pretty good with all the girlie stuff. You guys are set for a few years at least! Happy Birthday you!
Looks like you had a fun Christmas-- Happy Birthday I can't believe you are only 24... makes me feel old.
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