I carved the spider, Mark carved the haunted house which he free-handed, Kevin carved the skull, and Cassie carved the face!

Diesel and Kylee looking in a pumpkin for the first time

Our good friends from our old ward in Chandler, Amber Zemp and Kristen Starr. The Starr's live next door to us now in Gilbert and the Zemp's live about ten minutes away in Gilbert!

Our good friends from our old ward in Chandler, Amber Zemp and Kristen Starr. The Starr's live next door to us now in Gilbert and the Zemp's live about ten minutes away in Gilbert!
We had our ward Trunk-Or-Treat tonight. Kylee was so excited to finally be able to wear her Minnie Mouse costume. She was so cute walking around, she kept starring at everyone trying to figure out why they looked so funny. One guy had two big glass balls with heads in them that talked and Kylee just stood there forever watching them! I made some Chili for the chili cook off and actually won best vegetarian chili....the only thing is it was really taco soup and it DID have meat in it! I have no idea why they thought it was vegetarian and I really hope no real vegetarians ate it thinking it was meat free:) After Kevin and Cassie came back to our house to carve pumpkins. Kylee and Diesel just ran around and played with each other the whole three hours it took to get all of our pumpkins done. I just love the fall because of all the fun holidays, Trick-Or-Treat:)
Kylee is too cute for words!!! And way to go on the cook-off, Adria! That's funny. :)
Love it! Kylee is such a doll.
Kylee sure makes a darling Minnie!!
That was SO much fun!!
how fun Kylee is so cute in her costume. I am so excited to see her. You to of course
OH MY CUTENESS! Where did you pick up that costume? Are you guys coming to our Halloween party?
That is so funny! Vegetarian and it wasn't even meat free. You sure did trick them! Looks like Kylee bear had a blast!
She looks so cute in her costume! Can't wait to have you guys here on Halloween!! Boo!
Oh my goodness! You are so talented at that!!!
Cute I love Kylie's costume... I'll have to get back to you in the area exactly (I am not sure)
oh my gosh! i know amber zemp. she was in young womens with me. i have not seen her in forever. tell her emilee haggarton says hi next time you see her. and how do you know cassie? i used to work with her.
im doing good. im finally getting on a schedule with my baby. he is getting older and more fun.
I LOVE IT! she is so freakin cute, i love her costume!!!
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