During Kylee's nap today I heard a very loud bang and then an immediate cry. I ran to her room to find her face down on the floor outside of her crib!!!! Luckily she wasn't hurt just a little shaken up from the long drop to the floor. This was the first time she has tried to climb out of her crib! I have been talking to Mark for a while about putting Kylee in a bed before the new baby comes so I don't have to worry about it after the baby comes. We went ahead and decided to take down the crib and move the bed from the guest room into her room. I ran to Target and found a cute little bed set that was on sale for $15 thanks to connie......now that it is on I'm not sure how I feel about it, too many stripes or too much pink and brown, I'll figure it out when I actually have time to sit and envision what I want her room to look like! It was way too good of a deal to not buy it..even if it ends up sitting in a closet:) Anyway, Kylee was so excited all night about getting to sleep in her "big girl bed" she was so cute helping Mark take down her crib. As soon as her bed was up and ready she climbed in and said, "Take a nap"! She is so cute:) She had to wait a few hours before it was bed time but when it did roll around she was excited and climbed up the stairs super fast. Mark and I were expecting a LONG night of her jumping on the bed or her trying to escape but to our delightful surprise she went right to sleep! I was able to sneak in and take a picture of our sleeping beauty, I just love her! Now it really feels like another baby is coming, I am really excited to turn the spare bedroom into the new nursery. The only thing I have left on my list is potty training, hopefully we can start that in the next few months so she can at least get the idea before the baby comes:)
Bummer Lamb
5 years ago
oh how cute!! what a big girl. You're so lucky she just stayed in it all night. It's amazing how much the grow up and how fast they do it too. What a big girl!
poor little thing!! I would have been right there crying with heer!! But what a big girl. Lets hope this sticks and you'll have it made!! hw does she do at night.
Aww. She's growing so fast!
Look at her in a big girl bed! I had no idea that you were doing that. So cute!
Looks like Carly is not the only spoiled little girl that gets to sleep in a queen size bed. Its what we had. She looks so little in that big bed but totaly cute.
HOw fun is that?!? I like the pink and brown, there are so many things that you can do with it. I saw some ADORABLE ideas in a magazine, I can come help you if you want! :) Hope you are well, and I'll be home Tuesday so we'll have to catch up!
She is so cute.
Good luck with the potty training.
I can't believe our babies are becoming kids. It's so exciting and scary! Good luck with the bed and the potty training. After you train Kylee can I send Jack and Hazel over? HAHA
Yay for Kylee in her big girl bed! So nice that you'll only need one crib and not two when the baby comes:)
So cute! Don't you love them most when they're sleeping? Good she did well her first time in a big girl bed.
What an amazingly easy transition! Someone is officially ready to be a big sister!!
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